With a view to promoting a culture based on transparency and ethics, the Feralpi Group has created a communication channel for reporting misconduct. Through this system it is possible to report any breaches of the Code of Ethics, unusual cases or alleged unlawful practices, whether from inside or outside the Group, with the possibility of remaining anonymous.
How to report wrongdoings / Whistleblowing
Reporting can be made
Any breaches under Legislative Decree 231/2001 and the relevant Model adopted, can also be reported by sending an email to the Supervisory body Segnalazioni.feralpi@pec.feralpigroup.com
Any person - whether inside or outside the company - who becomes aware of a breach of the Code of Ethics and/or the Organisational Model and/or of laws or regulations is required to report it.
If the whistleblower intends to report a retaliation resulting from a previous reporting, please note this must only be addressed to ANAC via the following link: https://whistleblowing.anticorruzione.it/#/.
Protecting whistleblowers
Feralpi guarantees all whistleblowers the utmost privacy, confidentiality and protection against any form of retaliation, intimidation, distress or discrimination, in compliance with EU whistleblowing Directive 2019/1937 and Legislative Decree 24/2023.
Note that this channel of communication is exclusively for reporting breaches or offences.
Group companies
On the dedicated portal, it is possible to submit reports for the following companies: Acciaierie di Calvisano, Arlenico, Caleotto, Feralpi Holding, Feralpi Siderurgica, Fer-Par, Nuova Defim, Presider.